Welcome! 欢迎!

My home page is actually my diary page. You can check out other pages in my blog about other stuff. You can find other pages on the side bar at the left side of my blog. I'm trying to improve the blog as soon as possible and as much as I can, so sorry if it is kinda boring.

Thanks for visiting =)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

School has never been fun

    When I was still in high school, I always thought about finishing school and find a suitable job. Now, I'm actually starting to miss school. I'm still in my college days and I am already missing school.
    What is it about school, that we miss it after leaving it? Well, first of all, its the friends we made, for some, maybe their enemies. What I missed about school the most, is the HOLIDAYS!! I really love the long weekends. I get to do anything that I want. I can shop, I can do sports, I can eat and sleep all day! Although, if you notice, during vacation and semester breaks, I actually find it boring to stay at home and wished that I was in school...Weird...

     Well, its the end of my thinking capacity for now...(etc.)
     I hope you can post your comments about my post or you can suggest a topic for me to write=) I really want to practice my writing, so I hope you guys ( my dear readers) can help me =)

Calling... God

"What if God was one of us?"
This question ran through my mind every time I encounter something bad.
"Like a slob like one of us?"
"Just a stranger on a bus, trying to make His way home..."
I consider this as one of the most inspiring songs I have ever heard. Its not Hillsong. Its just a song.

 What would you feel if all of a sudden you actually get to meet God? What is the one thing that you would ask Him?

    I would be thrilled if I get to meet God. Here. On Earth. I would ask Him what any normal person would ask, Why? With just one word, one simple question, I can already get a lot of answers. There are many possible questions from the word "Why?". Like, why was I born like this? Why didn't You give this and that? Why did You let this happen? Why are You here? etc.
    It would be awesome if I really do meet Him. Many have doubted and believed in His existence. According to the bible, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Even I question His existence sometimes, but when you ask yourself where did these things come from? You try to answer it with science, but let me ask you, if everything is matter, and matter is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons, then where did these things come from? Even scientists can't answer that.... If you answer me, atoms, I'd ask you again...Where did those things come from?
    I saw some posts before about the bible being an old version of Harry Potter. Meaning, it's a fake. Fiction. If it was fiction, I can tell you, it is the best written fiction ever that is composed of spiritual messages that inspires millions of people to live every single day.
    God made things happen the way they are today, because He wants us to learn something from it. Blaming Him and challenging His ways cannot make things easier. Just by trusting Him and believing on His promises is already a great thing because when no one is there to support you, just call to God and He'll be there listening. He will not forsake us, but He will deliver us from sin.
    Try praying to Him whenever you have a problem. Talk to Him like He is your father. He is everyone's father. Don't be afraid. Humble yourself, ask and you shall receive.

*please care to comment if you are having problems following my posts... I have been having a hard time thinking because I haven't gotten much sleep =) Thank You.!
Always think of the Lord!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bank Tellers can be Thieves Too You Know

This happened in the Philippines!! Should I even be surprised?

 I just saw one of the most shocking news in my life. I can't believe that the banks we trust with our money and can do such an imaginable thing?!
    I am currently watching a news about this family whose son has worked abroad for years and all of a sudden, his money goes missing.
    Roderick Castillo(the victim's name), has worked abroad for years and has earned around $34,500. When they were about to update their bank book, they were surprised to find out that his hard earned cash were gone. According to the bank's investigation, the one guilty was a Marie Grace Telmo, the bank's teller. This was realized through a confession by a colleague of Marie. Her colleague also mentioned, that Marie was going through a financial crisis and that she really needed the money.  Marie Grace Telmo actually left a letter confessing to the crime. In the letter she said, that she is the one responsible for stealing the Castillo's money. She said that she was able to memorize the bank officer's override password overtime, every time the mother of Roderick deposits or withdraws money. She even promised in the letter that she will pay back the money she stole.This happened around November of last year(2011).
     At around December(2011), the bank's management released a statement saying, that they will not return the family's money because the signature provided for the release of the money was authentic.

    THE HECK?! There was already a confession and you say that the withdrawal was actually LEGAL?! That's just plain stupid!

     Yesterday, February 20, 2012, the show that I am watching received an e-mail from the bank saying that they will return the family's money($34,500) in full.

     Moral of the story:

    BANK OFFICERS! LEARN TO HIDE YOUR PASSWORD! Desperate bank tellers also have eyes and a brain you know. You can't blame customers forever!

Ironic Lazy Me

    What's wrong with my life? I want to change the way it is, but I'm having a hard time changing it. I always try to inspire myself so that I can move on with my life, but still...I lack the necessary inspiration.
     I see these children on TV trying so hard to get to school even if it meant walking for hours through kilometers of mud and dirt. What's worst is that I am studying B.S. Education and I'm like this! How ironic. I consider myself unlucky because I can't afford to buy this and that, but in fact there are much worst scenarios than mine. Wow, and I can't put that thought in my mind! I keep on complaining. Complaining, complaining, complaining... The year is about to end. I have to do something... I'm hopeless if I don't.
I'm wearing the purple watch =)

Random Thought 2: Blogging

*pic courtesy of 55info290-mh.blogspot.com
  There are a lot of social networking sites that offer online sharing and photo sharing. Let's face it, there have been cases of social network wars, saying this is better, that is better. For me, the best of all is Blogging. It's the mother of all networking sites. Without it, Facebook, Twitter,etc.. will not exist.  
    Blogging is not a place for lonely writers, but its a place for creative and spontaneous writers who actually have something worthwhile to share. Facebook and Twitter, in my opinion is the place for loners who try to create a place for themselves in this world by sharing their random useless thoughts and unruly criticism. Facebook was made to connect people around the world 24/7, but since the site's advancement, it has also been the cause of friendship breakups and even caused disputes among family members. Take this video as an example.

The video is about a teenager who posted a very disrespecting letter to her parents on Facebook.
     What's the difference if I use blog than Facebook?
     The difference is, the whole world will know about it, and you will be too ashamed to even write something rude and offending online.
     Blogging is more of a place where you can just unwind, write what you want, share, or even inform people about your adventure, experiences, mishaps etc...
     Its the original "heaven on earth" for people... Its like an online magazine. Surely you can imagine that.
     On the other hand, you are only allowed to use 140 characters(including space and other special characters) in Twitter.
     Despite the shortage of letters (^.^), Twitter also created something negative called, Twitter wars. People  were able to create short, hurtful tweets that created misunderstandings between friends and more conflicts between long time enemies.

*pic courtesy of elmundoderafaibarra.com

     Blogging, posting, tweeting.
     There's always a difference between the three.

    I'm still an amateur at blogging, my thoughts are still weird and unorganized, but I find it a good training ground for practicing my writing.(It has been quite some time...years.... maybe.... since I've written a good story.)

    Try blogging, or even these few sites that I truly recommend. You can either join in as a writer or be a reader. Facebook is not life, it's a world full of lies.

*pic courtesy of  deedeesfanfictionrecommendations.blogspot.com   

*pic courtesy of  readbookonline.net

If you are into writing you can also try using this:
*pic courtesy of en.support.wordpress.com

*pic courtesy of mashable.com

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Random thought part 1

   Good study habits...how do we create good study habits...? I certainly don't know... I, myself, am having a hard time creating good study habits..
    When I was in grade school, I was a good student. No failing grades. Few absents. Few lates. I was never lazy. Now, I just can't seem to concentrate. I want to forget things, and just get on with my life. I tried to be a good student, but I always end up being lazy...again.
    I just want to have a good time. I always feel that the good times that I have felt is barely enough to cover all the bad times I have experienced. Hence, I just want to have a good time. I feel that studying is a hindrance to my happiness, on the other hand, I also feel that studying is my road to success. It's just all too confusing.
    I have a feeling that this semester, it will be the first time that I'll be getting a 5 on my card. Not just one, but 2. Maybe even 3, if I ever decide not to drop one of  my subjects.
    Anyone understands? I hardly believe anyone will be able to discover this post.
    I just wish I can get my life back.
    I was good.
    I was contented.
    I was happy.
    Now I am ruined.
    Maybe even damned for life.

    Any advice?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Love 爱

        What is love?
  • Love is when you let someone feel special
  • Love is when you sacrifice your own happiness for the person you love
  • Love is when you are cheated on but you keep on trusting and forgiving that person who hurts you non-stop
  • Love is....
  • Love is....
        If I continue to list down what love means to me, it would be endless. I am a NBSB ( No Boyfriend Since Birth) person. What do I know about love? What is it about love that I have to write it down?
        Love is not experienced through boyfriends or girlfriends. Love can be felt all anytime; anywhere. It doesn't matter when or where you are. I know that love can be experienced through the following :
  • friends
  • family
  • pets
  • yourself
        You can find love through your friends. There are no awkward moments when you are with your friends. Friends support each other no matter how hard a situation is. They don't judge you for things that you do, because they love you as you are. REAL FRIENDS, that is. Whenever you and your friends fight, sometimes it takes time to heal the pain because the feelings you and your friends have for each other is true and pure. That's why when one of your friends get hurt, you get hurt as well.
        The family is the first and last people you will ever need in your lifetime. Love that you receive from your family is the purest of them all. No matter how many relationships, how many friendships you have gone through in your life, your family will always be there, supporting you in your right decisions and warning you whenever you start doing bad decisions.
       The most innocent love of them all, is the love that you receive from your pets. It maybe cats, dogs or fish, it doesn't matter. As long as you love them, not only do they return your love, but they also give you their loyalty. Their affection is pure and we find it cute. Just like a kitten or a puppy, when you give it love, it loves you back, sometimes to the point that even in your last breath, their loyalty is incomparable to anything in this world.
       Alas, the most important love of all, is love for yourself. When there is no one else to love you unconditionally, who are you going to turn to? Of course, yourself! Find as much love as you want from others, but if you don't love yourself, how could you even love others?
        Why in the world would I write about this stuff? Well, I was bored. Obviously. With all the cliches and shallowness of people talking about how they are "friend-zoned" or "buddy-zoned" by the people they love. You don't have to be "forever alone guy", you just have to be you. If people don't like you, maybe they are just being judgmental about you. Remember that you are an amazing person, people need to appreciate people, and themselves. If you don't appreciate yourself, how will they appreciate you?

  • 爱就是你让别人感觉到特别。
  • 爱是你为你爱的人的幸福而牺牲自己的幸福
  • 爱是你上当了,但你仍然保持信任和原谅
  • 爱是。。。
  • 爱是。。。
        如果我继续列举爱的意义,这将是无止境的。 我从前没有谈过恋爱。那么,我怎么知道爱情呢?为什么我还要写下关于爱的事情?
  • 朋友
  • 家人
  • 宠物
  • 自己

Sunday, February 5, 2012

starting out 开始

(I never thought that I'd actually write a blog. My name is Aileen. I'm going to be a foreign student in China around August. My Chinese level is not that high enough, that's why the blog that I am writing right now is not that good.)
(I am a Filipino with Chinese blood. There are many people who look down on me, especially some Chinese folks. They may have the looks of a Chinese, but when you converse with them in Chinese, they can't even say a sentence, if they do, they can't say it fluently.)
(I hope someday I can write down my recent and future experiences in life. I also hope someone reads my blog. I also hope that I can tell you the time when I started studying Chinese seriously and the time I fly to China to study. Lastly, I really hope, by using this method(writing blogs) I can elevate my Chinese level, so that I can narrate my story clearly.)

~sorry for the bad grammar especially the Chinese one