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Another Farewell, My Baby Boy 2010/03/26

    What is it with pets, that I don't get to keep them forever?
    What is it with people hating cats... well mine is a kitten...

    I had a my first kitten last February of some day... 2012, but it fell from our balcony while I was at school, a few days later, I got my second cat at least a week later. His name is Lee. My little baby boy. Then, Last March 26, 2012, I had to make the most painful decision of my life.

    Apparently, my "aunt" is not quite a cat/ kitten lover, and my cat did something to my bed that wanted her to throw my kitten. I was really pissed off, so I said, "What if I throw your dogs away??" I said this after her maid went to our house(not home), and I didn't know that her maid heard me. Being a backstabber of some sort, I was criticized behind my back again. Our maid said that their maid got mad at me. I DON'T FUCKING CARE!! She got mad when I said I wanted to throw the dogs, she should understand because I loved my pet as well.
    Hearing our maid say that those "people" wanted my cat thrown away, I said to myself, " My kitten is not garbage to throw away!", also I thought, I was about to leave to study for China, and there is no one whom I can truly trust to take care of him(my kitten). The pet shelter in the Philippines sucks, because people here don't promote pet adoption, majority of the people in the Philippines prefer "branded" (stuff) and "breed" (pets), so I just really have to let him go. I cried while pulling him out of my bag and leaving him there.
    After I pulled him out of my bag, I remembered that I forgot something at home. When I returned to the spot where I left him, after retrieving the stuff I left, I saw him there, sitting. When other people were passing by, he did not respond, but when I stopped and looked at him, he stared at me, straight to the eye, and meowed.

    "SHIT!" I thought. Now, instead of my heart breaking into hundreds and thousands of pieces, it broke into a million pieces.

    So I promised myself, that I am going to study hard, work hard to be on top... how is this related? When I have a position in the society, I can help those animals who badly need help. Like the stray cats and dogs here in the Philippines. I don't want those animals to be put to sleep without experiencing what having a real family feels, even if I have to adopt them myself. It is just so sad, how people put into consideration what breed of animal it is before deciding.

    The love of an animal is not measured by what kind of breed it is, but how it loves you back when you love it with all your heart.


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