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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Random thought part 1

   Good study habits...how do we create good study habits...? I certainly don't know... I, myself, am having a hard time creating good study habits..
    When I was in grade school, I was a good student. No failing grades. Few absents. Few lates. I was never lazy. Now, I just can't seem to concentrate. I want to forget things, and just get on with my life. I tried to be a good student, but I always end up being lazy...again.
    I just want to have a good time. I always feel that the good times that I have felt is barely enough to cover all the bad times I have experienced. Hence, I just want to have a good time. I feel that studying is a hindrance to my happiness, on the other hand, I also feel that studying is my road to success. It's just all too confusing.
    I have a feeling that this semester, it will be the first time that I'll be getting a 5 on my card. Not just one, but 2. Maybe even 3, if I ever decide not to drop one of  my subjects.
    Anyone understands? I hardly believe anyone will be able to discover this post.
    I just wish I can get my life back.
    I was good.
    I was contented.
    I was happy.
    Now I am ruined.
    Maybe even damned for life.

    Any advice?

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