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Monday, February 6, 2012

Love 爱

        What is love?
  • Love is when you let someone feel special
  • Love is when you sacrifice your own happiness for the person you love
  • Love is when you are cheated on but you keep on trusting and forgiving that person who hurts you non-stop
  • Love is....
  • Love is....
        If I continue to list down what love means to me, it would be endless. I am a NBSB ( No Boyfriend Since Birth) person. What do I know about love? What is it about love that I have to write it down?
        Love is not experienced through boyfriends or girlfriends. Love can be felt all anytime; anywhere. It doesn't matter when or where you are. I know that love can be experienced through the following :
  • friends
  • family
  • pets
  • yourself
        You can find love through your friends. There are no awkward moments when you are with your friends. Friends support each other no matter how hard a situation is. They don't judge you for things that you do, because they love you as you are. REAL FRIENDS, that is. Whenever you and your friends fight, sometimes it takes time to heal the pain because the feelings you and your friends have for each other is true and pure. That's why when one of your friends get hurt, you get hurt as well.
        The family is the first and last people you will ever need in your lifetime. Love that you receive from your family is the purest of them all. No matter how many relationships, how many friendships you have gone through in your life, your family will always be there, supporting you in your right decisions and warning you whenever you start doing bad decisions.
       The most innocent love of them all, is the love that you receive from your pets. It maybe cats, dogs or fish, it doesn't matter. As long as you love them, not only do they return your love, but they also give you their loyalty. Their affection is pure and we find it cute. Just like a kitten or a puppy, when you give it love, it loves you back, sometimes to the point that even in your last breath, their loyalty is incomparable to anything in this world.
       Alas, the most important love of all, is love for yourself. When there is no one else to love you unconditionally, who are you going to turn to? Of course, yourself! Find as much love as you want from others, but if you don't love yourself, how could you even love others?
        Why in the world would I write about this stuff? Well, I was bored. Obviously. With all the cliches and shallowness of people talking about how they are "friend-zoned" or "buddy-zoned" by the people they love. You don't have to be "forever alone guy", you just have to be you. If people don't like you, maybe they are just being judgmental about you. Remember that you are an amazing person, people need to appreciate people, and themselves. If you don't appreciate yourself, how will they appreciate you?

  • 爱就是你让别人感觉到特别。
  • 爱是你为你爱的人的幸福而牺牲自己的幸福
  • 爱是你上当了,但你仍然保持信任和原谅
  • 爱是。。。
  • 爱是。。。
        如果我继续列举爱的意义,这将是无止境的。 我从前没有谈过恋爱。那么,我怎么知道爱情呢?为什么我还要写下关于爱的事情?
  • 朋友
  • 家人
  • 宠物
  • 自己

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