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My home page is actually my diary page. You can check out other pages in my blog about other stuff. You can find other pages on the side bar at the left side of my blog. I'm trying to improve the blog as soon as possible and as much as I can, so sorry if it is kinda boring.

Thanks for visiting =)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

starting out 开始

(I never thought that I'd actually write a blog. My name is Aileen. I'm going to be a foreign student in China around August. My Chinese level is not that high enough, that's why the blog that I am writing right now is not that good.)
(I am a Filipino with Chinese blood. There are many people who look down on me, especially some Chinese folks. They may have the looks of a Chinese, but when you converse with them in Chinese, they can't even say a sentence, if they do, they can't say it fluently.)
(I hope someday I can write down my recent and future experiences in life. I also hope someone reads my blog. I also hope that I can tell you the time when I started studying Chinese seriously and the time I fly to China to study. Lastly, I really hope, by using this method(writing blogs) I can elevate my Chinese level, so that I can narrate my story clearly.)

~sorry for the bad grammar especially the Chinese one

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