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Monday, February 20, 2012

Random Thought 2: Blogging

*pic courtesy of 55info290-mh.blogspot.com
  There are a lot of social networking sites that offer online sharing and photo sharing. Let's face it, there have been cases of social network wars, saying this is better, that is better. For me, the best of all is Blogging. It's the mother of all networking sites. Without it, Facebook, Twitter,etc.. will not exist.  
    Blogging is not a place for lonely writers, but its a place for creative and spontaneous writers who actually have something worthwhile to share. Facebook and Twitter, in my opinion is the place for loners who try to create a place for themselves in this world by sharing their random useless thoughts and unruly criticism. Facebook was made to connect people around the world 24/7, but since the site's advancement, it has also been the cause of friendship breakups and even caused disputes among family members. Take this video as an example.

The video is about a teenager who posted a very disrespecting letter to her parents on Facebook.
     What's the difference if I use blog than Facebook?
     The difference is, the whole world will know about it, and you will be too ashamed to even write something rude and offending online.
     Blogging is more of a place where you can just unwind, write what you want, share, or even inform people about your adventure, experiences, mishaps etc...
     Its the original "heaven on earth" for people... Its like an online magazine. Surely you can imagine that.
     On the other hand, you are only allowed to use 140 characters(including space and other special characters) in Twitter.
     Despite the shortage of letters (^.^), Twitter also created something negative called, Twitter wars. People  were able to create short, hurtful tweets that created misunderstandings between friends and more conflicts between long time enemies.

*pic courtesy of elmundoderafaibarra.com

     Blogging, posting, tweeting.
     There's always a difference between the three.

    I'm still an amateur at blogging, my thoughts are still weird and unorganized, but I find it a good training ground for practicing my writing.(It has been quite some time...years.... maybe.... since I've written a good story.)

    Try blogging, or even these few sites that I truly recommend. You can either join in as a writer or be a reader. Facebook is not life, it's a world full of lies.

*pic courtesy of  deedeesfanfictionrecommendations.blogspot.com   

*pic courtesy of  readbookonline.net

If you are into writing you can also try using this:
*pic courtesy of en.support.wordpress.com

*pic courtesy of mashable.com

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