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My home page is actually my diary page. You can check out other pages in my blog about other stuff. You can find other pages on the side bar at the left side of my blog. I'm trying to improve the blog as soon as possible and as much as I can, so sorry if it is kinda boring.

Thanks for visiting =)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ironic Lazy Me

    What's wrong with my life? I want to change the way it is, but I'm having a hard time changing it. I always try to inspire myself so that I can move on with my life, but still...I lack the necessary inspiration.
     I see these children on TV trying so hard to get to school even if it meant walking for hours through kilometers of mud and dirt. What's worst is that I am studying B.S. Education and I'm like this! How ironic. I consider myself unlucky because I can't afford to buy this and that, but in fact there are much worst scenarios than mine. Wow, and I can't put that thought in my mind! I keep on complaining. Complaining, complaining, complaining... The year is about to end. I have to do something... I'm hopeless if I don't.
I'm wearing the purple watch =)

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