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Monday, February 20, 2012

Bank Tellers can be Thieves Too You Know

This happened in the Philippines!! Should I even be surprised?

 I just saw one of the most shocking news in my life. I can't believe that the banks we trust with our money and can do such an imaginable thing?!
    I am currently watching a news about this family whose son has worked abroad for years and all of a sudden, his money goes missing.
    Roderick Castillo(the victim's name), has worked abroad for years and has earned around $34,500. When they were about to update their bank book, they were surprised to find out that his hard earned cash were gone. According to the bank's investigation, the one guilty was a Marie Grace Telmo, the bank's teller. This was realized through a confession by a colleague of Marie. Her colleague also mentioned, that Marie was going through a financial crisis and that she really needed the money.  Marie Grace Telmo actually left a letter confessing to the crime. In the letter she said, that she is the one responsible for stealing the Castillo's money. She said that she was able to memorize the bank officer's override password overtime, every time the mother of Roderick deposits or withdraws money. She even promised in the letter that she will pay back the money she stole.This happened around November of last year(2011).
     At around December(2011), the bank's management released a statement saying, that they will not return the family's money because the signature provided for the release of the money was authentic.

    THE HECK?! There was already a confession and you say that the withdrawal was actually LEGAL?! That's just plain stupid!

     Yesterday, February 20, 2012, the show that I am watching received an e-mail from the bank saying that they will return the family's money($34,500) in full.

     Moral of the story:

    BANK OFFICERS! LEARN TO HIDE YOUR PASSWORD! Desperate bank tellers also have eyes and a brain you know. You can't blame customers forever!


  1. I heard of that news just now, that's why I can't help but comment on your post.
    Maybe the bank management just wanted to at least save whatever "reputation" they still have.Depositors don't use passwords in over-the-counter transactions. We can't withdraw dollars in atm machines right? Maybe the teller was confessing that she knows the password of the bank officers. If you've been in that bank, you'll hear "override please" or 'override" often. They need override/permissions for transactions involving large sums of money (in peso/peso equivalent). For sure they'll fire that teller. Can't really trust people anymore:(

    1. Oh, I see. I'm really not familiar with dollar accounts. I only have an atm. Thanks for the info. =)
