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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Calling... God

"What if God was one of us?"
This question ran through my mind every time I encounter something bad.
"Like a slob like one of us?"
"Just a stranger on a bus, trying to make His way home..."
I consider this as one of the most inspiring songs I have ever heard. Its not Hillsong. Its just a song.

 What would you feel if all of a sudden you actually get to meet God? What is the one thing that you would ask Him?

    I would be thrilled if I get to meet God. Here. On Earth. I would ask Him what any normal person would ask, Why? With just one word, one simple question, I can already get a lot of answers. There are many possible questions from the word "Why?". Like, why was I born like this? Why didn't You give this and that? Why did You let this happen? Why are You here? etc.
    It would be awesome if I really do meet Him. Many have doubted and believed in His existence. According to the bible, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Even I question His existence sometimes, but when you ask yourself where did these things come from? You try to answer it with science, but let me ask you, if everything is matter, and matter is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons, then where did these things come from? Even scientists can't answer that.... If you answer me, atoms, I'd ask you again...Where did those things come from?
    I saw some posts before about the bible being an old version of Harry Potter. Meaning, it's a fake. Fiction. If it was fiction, I can tell you, it is the best written fiction ever that is composed of spiritual messages that inspires millions of people to live every single day.
    God made things happen the way they are today, because He wants us to learn something from it. Blaming Him and challenging His ways cannot make things easier. Just by trusting Him and believing on His promises is already a great thing because when no one is there to support you, just call to God and He'll be there listening. He will not forsake us, but He will deliver us from sin.
    Try praying to Him whenever you have a problem. Talk to Him like He is your father. He is everyone's father. Don't be afraid. Humble yourself, ask and you shall receive.

*please care to comment if you are having problems following my posts... I have been having a hard time thinking because I haven't gotten much sleep =) Thank You.!
Always think of the Lord!

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