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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

School has never been fun

    When I was still in high school, I always thought about finishing school and find a suitable job. Now, I'm actually starting to miss school. I'm still in my college days and I am already missing school.
    What is it about school, that we miss it after leaving it? Well, first of all, its the friends we made, for some, maybe their enemies. What I missed about school the most, is the HOLIDAYS!! I really love the long weekends. I get to do anything that I want. I can shop, I can do sports, I can eat and sleep all day! Although, if you notice, during vacation and semester breaks, I actually find it boring to stay at home and wished that I was in school...Weird...

     Well, its the end of my thinking capacity for now...(etc.)
     I hope you can post your comments about my post or you can suggest a topic for me to write=) I really want to practice my writing, so I hope you guys ( my dear readers) can help me =)

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