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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Farewell Dear Friend: The Internet

    Wow, I never thought I'd see the day that I actually had to say goodbye to my farewell internet. Well, technically the internet is not mine…… you know what I mean.
    It has only been a few months and I admit that I had used the opportunity to use the internet quite wrongly. It kinda caused a little something in my life. My social and educational life. Lost my way... gosh... stupid me.
    Some might understand, some might not, the internet is the best creation ever, but it can also be the most destructive creation as well. I admit, I used it to destruct me and I am very sorry about it. Now, I'm in a dilemma. Something related to my studies, but I did try my best to pass my major subject.
    I have also made good use of the internet, I was able to download useful stuff for studies and also download the power points made by our teacher.
    I was also able to download movies and music and update my Facebook.
   The internet is the most powerful tool. It can influence a lot if people, good or bad.
   It kinda influenced me in both ways. I was able to find a lot of stuff for assignments and stuffs for fun.. I guess I got too much fun, than for doing something useful... To think that I planned to use it all for good, kinda ended up the other way around. Haha. The way I say it, its like the internet actually destroyed me... Well, yeah, it kinda did. I'm gonna miss listening and downloading music... Oh...

    ITunes... we're gonna be far apart.

    Yahoo!... my e-mail's gonna be stacked up again.

     You tube, your funny and interesting videos , gonna miss it as well.

    Google... your map and your vast knowledge about websites, I'm gonna miss so much.

    Facebook... I'm gonna miss you 2nd, because I won't be able to meet new friends and interact with old friends anymore and look at pages that I find inspiring or interesting. I also won't be able to look at my crush's profile (stalker? haha! ^^)

    The site I am gonna miss the most is 9gag.
Wow 9gag! You literally DESTROYED my life. You took my soul by enticing me with your interesting and funny posts. Thanks

   Would you look at that, that's just a few of the websites I'm gonna miss.

    I'm gonna miss writing here at blogger too.

   I hope even though I don't have internet anymore, I can still have the best time of my life. I have load for the whole month, so maybe I can try to live with it for a while. Besides, I have to work for summer so that I can buy myself even a simple laptop for China..

    I will try to write as much articles here as much as possible...

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