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Friday, October 26, 2012

The Great China Adventure!

    Hello again! It has been a while since I wrote something here... wow... it all feels so new again.

    Let's cut through the chase shall we?

    Well, it has been almost 2 months since I have been here in China and to tell you honestly, it has been fun. No parents, not so much restrictions, but despite of it, I did not and will not, abuse the freedom that I got here. It's really great that the friends that I'm with are the good type of friends, because I can really be easily influenced by anyone. That makes me a stupid person right? I know that already. Moving on, I have been somewhat busy for the past few weeks, and I tell, my student life here is just beginning.

    Let me show you my schedule every day

Monday       8:45AM - 10:15AM民俗(Chinese culture&customs)
                 10:30AM - 12:00 博雅(Boya Chinese)

Tuesday       8:45AM - 10:15AM 古代汉语(Old Chinese counterpart of Old English)
                 10:30AM - 12:00AM 新闻听力(Newspaper listening comprehension)

Wednesday   8:45AM - 10:15AM 博雅(Boya Chinese)
                 10:30AM - 12:00AM 现代汉语概论 (introduction to modern Chinese language)

Thursday      8:45AM - 10:15AM 现代汉语语音 (modern Chinese pronounciation)
                 10:30AM - 12:00AM 报刊阅读 (Newspaper reading comprehension)

Friday           8:45AM - 10:15AM 博雅(Boya Chinese)

    As you can see, there is nothing much in it. Six of us have almost the same schedules, except for 2 people; Nill and Lloyd. Before I proceed with anything else, let me introduce to you my friends who are with me in this great "adventure" here in China :p

From left is NILL, JESSA(the one with the glasses), AILEEN(the tall one), WILSON, LLOYD and yours truly.

    The six of us were given the privilege to go here in China to further study the language so that someday we will be able to teach kids using Chinese. Staying here will really help a lot in improving our Chinese because there are no other people to talk to but Chinese people.

     I end this adventure post for now, it is 2:20AM I better get some sleep :) See you!

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